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#ciphboogie, #hiphop, #iamtheindustry, #indie, #nyc, Category_Music Videos -

: Searching : Ciph Boogie Overall Grade/Rating: 8.6/10 Production: 9/10 Lyrics: 9/10 Melody: 9/10 Execution: 8.5/10 Subject Matter: 9/10 Replay Value: 9/10 Originality: 7/10 Spin or Skip: Spin Ciph Boogie wanted to start the year off with something for the empaths. His latest single isn't something you'd find in his usual repertoire. His new spoken word inspired single, "Searching," dives deep into the emotional part of humanity. By revealing the vulnerability of the soul, listeners are advised that searching is necessary to secure the truth. The Chris Prythm produced track is just as inspiring as the poem itself. The sampling...

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