Beflow Declares Himself As Apart of Chicago۪s Lyrical Elite

Overall Grade/Rating: 9/10
Production: 9.5/10
Lyrics: 9/10
Melody: 9/10
Execution: 8.9/10
Subject Matter: 9/10
Replay Value: 9/10
Originality: 8.7/10
Critique: Beflow reminds his onlookers that he۪s a ill nigga, in a league of his own, during the opening lines of his latest single, ELite at a time of reformation in Chicago hip-hop. The Post-Obomian era has brought along with it changes in the city۪s hip-hop scene. The once nationally known sound of the drill movement has lost its momentum for various reasons. It could be the giants of the city۪s urban youth culture making it big and leaving the Chi (Chief Keef, Dreezy, Tink, Famous Dex, Durk,and the list goes on).
Maybe it had an expiration date as do many other grassroots movements that eventually become devoured by grazing hype-beasts; always picking at the ground waiting for the next big thing to sprout. Then there۪s the unceasing violence that knows no bounds of which Flow is well aware of when he shares his prayer for a better tomorrow with Cleveland to Chicago, hope my shorties make it out the streets.
There is room of course for further speculation regarding the rise and fall of drill but that۪s best suited for the barbershop. Staying true to his grind,however, while taking the time to expand as an artist in the midst of the dramatic changes occurring in the Chi, Flow parts ways with his usual heavy NBA references and takes his time with a calm delivery over a tingly east coast vibe beat.
Flow۪s usual repetitive proclamation of greatness is also set aside on this single allowing listeners to experience a different side of Flow. Although he۪s in tune with the current trends , he has yet to succumb to the popular sound of hip-pop and the double time mumble flow that has jolted the career of many well known rappers of today, and he avoids the gimmicks these artists use to boost their platforms.
Specifically the so called gang ties that every rapper has these days. In a city where gang affiliation is a matter of life or death, and where that very same nuisance put Chicago on the map amongst post-millennials, Flow abandons it when he asserts Thorough with no gang ties, no indictment or sentence. ʉELite solidifies Flow as unfuckwittable, unmoving, and in his own words stronger than you give me credit for, I۪ve really grown. Listen to the full song here:https:/