20 Struggles Creatives Know Too Well
1. We daydream.
2. We feel and care about everything even when we don't want to.
3. We've been called 'weird' and actually like it because normalcy is weird.
4. We've been asked to do work for free or for 'exposure' and generally feel insulted by it.
5. Our creative juices flow at the most random times.
6. We can find inspiration in nearly anything.
7. We've been called 'weird' and actually like it because normalcy is weird.
8. We observe everything.
9. We need solitude to recharge. It's not a want. An actual need.
10. We can get lost in our work for hours and not realize time has passed.
11. We relive terrible experiences for inspiration.
12. We have to take extra care of our mental healthy.
13. Disorders like anxiety, depression and others come all to easy for us.
14. We feel smothered by conventional things.
15. Following our passion can cost us money, time and relationships.
16. We oftentimes have money issues.
17. We don't feel like we belong.
18. We're old souls trapped in a new world.
19. We can't get out of our own heads.
20. We're too often misunderstood.